The blog is really annoying me this evening. I typed my entry, but then it wouldn't let me add a picture. Finally, I decided to just post it, and add a picture later, but instead it failed to post, and lost all the text I had entered. So, I will try again, but I will save it before I post next time.
Anyhow, we had a great Christmas day, and hope that all of you did as well. We invited a couple that we met here, Ken and Carole Ann Rand, to join us for Christmas dinner this afternoon, and they showed up about 1:00. Here is a picture of them.
We visited for a while, then moved into the kitchen so that Susan and I could take care of finishing details as we visited. We nibbled on this and that, and then about 2:30, two hours after I put it in, I checked the chicken, but it was not nearly done.
The oven is calibrated in degrees Celsius, of course, so I calculated that 350 F is a little less than 180 C, and that is where I set the oven. Apparently the calibration was not very good, so I cranked it up to 210 C and left it for another hour. At that time the chicken was done, but not overdone. We ate it, along with potatoes, carrots, and broccoli. We had already been nibbling on Pan de Pascua, technically an Easter bread, but also popular at Christmas, shrimp, fruit, etc., so after the main course, we decided to wait for dessert.
The Rands brought dessert, a couple of pastries from a bakery here, and we waited until about 6:00 to sample them. They were great. They finally decided it was time to leave about 7:00 this evening, and Samuel and I walked them down the street to show them the grocery store where we buy the chocolate bars that they want to stock up on before heading home.
Through all this time they told us about their trip down along the coast and up to Cotacachi. And we told them about what we have done and learned here, and then the conversations devolved to all sorts of other topics, all of which we enjoyed. All in all, it was a very enjoyable day. They are here from Atlanta, and plan to return in a few months to rent and apartment and just live here for a while, just as we are doing now.
There. It looks like it is now working as it should. I will save it before posting, just in case.