Saturday, December 5, 2009

Walked to church

I know that tomorrow is Sunday, but this morning Susan and I walked from our hotel to the LDS chapel here in Cuenca, just to make sure that we can find it OK tomorrow. If the weather is bad or we are running late, we may still take a taxi, but it is about a 20-minute walk from here, not pushing too hard, and so we are planning to walk.

The weather today was great, with a good thundershower this afternoon to add some nice moisture and cool things down. This morning it was quite warm, probably again in the upper 70s, enough that we both perspired during our walk. We came back by the open market and picked up some more fruit and vegetables, which Susan then spent quite a bit of time preparing. She is eating well, but it does take some bit of effort. We are very glad to have access to kitchen facilities here.

We did learn something surprising today. Apparently the cell phones and land lines here are on different systems, and to call from a land line to a cell phone costs 25 cents per minute or so. This compares to 10-20 cents per minute to call from Ecuador to the United States. I don't know why this is, but I will be asking questions. I don't know what it costs to make calls from cell phones to land lines, or from cell phone to cell phone, but apparently it is more than for most of us in the USA. On the other hand, you see lots of people talking on cell phones all over the place...

We are well, happy, making good progress in learning Spanish. The people who work here in the Hostal Macondo are very friendly and willing to answer questions and help us with our Spanish. When we move into an apartment we will miss them, but having more space at a much lower cost will be worth the difference.

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