Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Today we spent quite a bit of time walking the streets and asking where there might be a laundromat, or something equivalent. Lots of people told us that there was one "down that way", but as we got closer, no one ever knew about it. I began to feel like the early Spanish conquistadors looking for the Seven Cities of Cibola. However, we finally found one [our landlord took Samuel to it about four blocks away] this afternoon, and we went back over there with a load of clothes around 5:00 p.m. This is not a self-serve laundromat like we have in the US, but rather the owners are also the operators, and they took our clothes, along with payment - $3.36 - and told us that they would be ready by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.

While we were out looking, Samuel got a haircut, and I may go back there in a week or two and get one for myself as well.

One of the interesting things we notice are some of the signs. Here is one translated into English that we thought interesting.
And there are flowers all over. Here is a bush in the corner of a park that we saw late this afternoon.

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