Sunday, February 7, 2010


Last night it started raining, and it rained all night. We were reminded just after it started that we have a leak in our kitchen, right in front of our sink, so we put a bowl under it to catch the water. After a bit, I noticed that we were getting a lot of splash on the floor around the bowl, so I contrived the funnel and jug arrangement shown below, with the bowl along side to catch the drops that didn't hit the funnel. I cut holes in the lids of both jugs, and taped them together.This morning the lower jug was almost full, and it holds five liters, or about 1.3 gallons. The rain stopped so that we were able to go to church and come home again when it was not raining, but then it rained again hard this afternoon. Finally it stopped about 5:00, so Susan and I went for a walk. Here is how the Rio Tomebamba usually looks as it passes through Cuenca.
And here is how it looked today.
We badly need the water here to refill the reservoir that generates our electricity, and today's rain won't be enough to correct the shortage, but it will help, and we will hope for more rain in the coming days and weeks.

Now that I am posting this, I will turn on the TV and see if I can watch a little of the Super Bowl. It will almost certainly be in Spanish, but that can be fun too.

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